Refund Policy

Fee Refund Policy:

A student is entitled to a complete refund of the fees paid, less any applicable non-refundable costs, if they leave the program before the admissions date. Withdrawal Following Admittance but Before Classes Commence:

  • 90% Refund: Students may receive a 90% reimbursement of their program costs if they leave the program more than 15 days prior to the commencement of classes.
  • 80% Refund: Students may receive an 80% reimbursement of their program costs if they leave the program 15 days or fewer before classes begin.
  • Processing of Refunds: Within ten working days after the date of the refund application, refunds will be processed and credited to the student's account.


In order to be eligible, please make sure that your refund request is submitted within the relevant time limit.

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